More New Adventures

For the last 10ish years I have been a youth soccer coach. From ages 5 all the way up to 12. It all started because I was given an ultimatum “well if you don’t do it there will be no team”. Now I am not the best coach, my teams have never been great winners, but I had a good time overall. That was until this season. There is a lot of work and coordination involved, and it’s clear this team is at the “washout” stage where they really decide if they want to continue playing. It’s very apparent most of the players are ready to be done with soccer (or possibly me as a coach), it has been a very trying season with a lot of losses. I finally realized it’s also my turn to be done, although I love the sport, I can’t do coaching anymore. Thankfully this is the final week of our season and I am looking forward to actually being able to enjoy my Saturdays again. There are so many cool events I can’t ever partake in because it’s game day! It’s all a little bittersweet not the least if which is I feel like I am letting my club down, but it’s time to move on for me.

In other continuing adventures my open source journey is going great. I have moved off my macOS gear completely and am now sitting on primarily my laptop and desktop machines running Linux as my primary OS. I continue to look for ways to get off “big tech” and find software and services that I actually feel like are “mine”. It’s been a lot easier than I thought and I’m thinking this is exactly where I need to be right now.